im scare, im so scare... ... Labels: the little scared gurl
i dun want to quit SLB
i dun want to be ban from going to school for meetings
i dun want to not be able to do what i want to do
i dun want to be stuck in this stupid empty space
i dun want to have any time limits for my computer time to do school stuffs
i dun want to be so lonely, typing all this now.
i dun want to not be able to help out orientation'08
im seriously scare that just a phone call to a teacher and i can't be a SL anymore, like it just happen through one night's time...
im scare,,,
i have promise not to participate in exco-elections next year
i have promise to be home early
i have promise to take care of myself...
i have promise to take care of my brother, who is going to be p5 next year.
i have promise to do more houseworks, no matter i have projects or not.
i have promise to not go to school early and come back home more than 12 hours later...
i have promise to not let my parents worried where-ver im
i have promise to inform my parents about myself everynow and then...
but im still scare... real scare! what to do now??!! im lost in this BIG BIG BIG dark empty space.
i dun want!! i need someone here now~ but ... ...
im just scare!~
~cried alot in a day, red puffy eyes so ugly!~
actually i was doing my homework[newspaper articles] just some time ago Labels: I LOVE SLB gurl =D
then after i got bored and saw my handphone lying on the table... ...
and "ka ching ka ching" i was zi-lianing loll
nth better to do... i wanna sleep, slept at 2.30am ytd night
im so happy i still have loads of homework left!! loll!
i miss everyone!! 304'08 will rawks!! YAY!
hahas dear dear MeiQi!! yupp you're loved!! =D
heheh i've been tagged by ANGELINE AHYI!!! Labels: I LOVE SLB gurl =D
1) Do the following without complaint.
2) Choose 5 person to do this after you've complete yours.
3) Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she has been tagged
FavouritesFavourite Colour: Light blue/Aqua blue/Pink/Purple
Favourite Food: Mum's cooking, carrotcake, hokkien mee.
Favourite Movie:
Favourite Sport: Swimming, Cycling, Captain's ball.
Favourite Day of the Week: Saturday
Favourite Season: Autumn
Favourite Ice Cream: Cookies and cream
CurrentCurrent Mood: Im high becoz of homework!!-wth-
Current Clothes: the Chinese Drama yellow shirt + FBT
Current Desktop: My piggy calendar
Current Time: 11.38pm
Current Surroundings: My cosy bedroom
Current Annoyances: I kept sneezing while doing my book review.
Current Thoughts: I have to chiong finish homework, hopefully by tonight.
FirstFirst Best Friend: Um,,when i was in nursery? issit some girls called teresa & melinda?
First Crush: wahh sensitive...clue! when i was in p3 bah. no one knows, i think.=X
First Movie: -cant rmb-
First Lie: -wth-
First Music: -i dunno seriously, maybe twinkle twinkle little star?-
LastLast Drink: Ice Barley
Last Car Ride: Just now when coming back home from school
Last Crush: -um sensitive-
Last Phone Call: loll um gasper?
Last CD Played: i think is jolin's disc bah
Have you ever
Have you ever dated one of your best friend: No bah
Have you ever broken a law: -Um i think so-dont catch me!
Have you ever been arrested: No DUH!
Have you ever been on TV: Yup hahas arena counted orh?! with angeline ahyi!!
Have you ever kissed someone you don't know: -NO! loll why would i kiss anybody who i dunno?-
Random 5 things you are good at:
(1)Sms(2)Neoprints(3)Waste money(4)Shopping(5)Crapping
4 things you've done today:
(1)Met Mabel to check up the class list together in school (2)Saw Abraham at the gate and checked the class list at the foyer (3)Went to school for games trial2 (4)Played water bombs with games comm ppl + Clement + Colin + Celine
3 things you can hear right now:
(1)the 11pm News on Channel U(2)My ringtone for sms-es(3)the traffic at the junction downstairs
I lazy choose lahh, people you may do if you want doing homework!! im gonna die!!
hehehh...i type out my class list!! woohoo~ my fellow dear classmates!!
304 girls-
Beverley Hong
Chan Wei Na Joelyn <3
Clarinda Ong Yan Yu--> hahas me!! Reg:3
Eileen Phoa
Grace Seng <3
Xin Jie
Jasmine Lee <3
Kong Yan Hui Maureen
Kwok Jean <3
Lee Ching Yee <3
Ng Shi Hui <3
Ong Meiqi <3
Ong YingJie <3
Ow Liya <3
Seah Qing Xuan <3
Suan Yip Chong
Tan Kah Huey
Tan WanTing Pearleen
Tay Li Wen
Total girls: 20
304 boys-
Chan Zhi Yong Julian
Chen Te-Kai
Choo Heng Chong Mark
Choo Qi Zhi Christopher
Daniel Sunadi Lo Sing Sze
Goh Xi Quan
Hak Buntharath :)
Huang Shiyang
Kwok Li Cheng
Leong Tuck Heng
Leow YiJin
Lim Wei Ping :)
Lim Wen Bin :)
Mah Jun Kai Abraham :) :)
Nicholas Siew Hao Jie
Phua Jing An Percy
Poh Wai Kit
Ryan Choy Kwok Fu
Shia Hui Tong Derek
Tan Kok Hwee
Tan Yi Wei
Tang Rui Quan
Teo Zhi Jie Samuel :) :)
Yau Kai Jie Nicholas
Total boys: 24
Wth! more boys then girls! not fair LOL!!
i hope we will all be united!! YAY! hahas... alot of 205'07 de!! yah! happy~
know quite alot of you too! lets be friends!! LOLLs im going crazy coz of the pile of hw beside me!!
And quite sad that Mabel and Yensiu go 303 but yup im happy for them as they got a wonderful wonderful class**** with them! Yen please torture mabel please LOL!!^^but yahh i will LOVE 30404 [heheh nice one!]
homework list:
-2 newspaper article
-2 book reviews [now starting on first]
-Commonwealth essay[wth!]
-Chi history[just finished with the help of grace! thankz gurl!=D]
-And some maths questions!! [still have quite some questions bahh]
countdowns again!:
4 more days to the last day of this year'07
5 more days to the first day of year'08
6 more days to Orientation'08
7 more days to Orientation Amazing Race!! =D
OMG! Sec 1 Orientation is coming! Labels: I LOVE SLB gurl =D
i dunno if we are prepared, well enough. It looks as though the feeling is not there.
i felt bad about being overseas when the campfire comm had difficulties,
while im not been able to help at all except being inform about the situation through emails & msn.
i felt bad that i MIA for like 9 days and i can't do anything about it!
i felt bad that i missed LOADS of meetings... ...
IM a bad girl :(
now, the situation should be more or less settled le.
but im still kinda worried...i dunno,really.
all in all, LET'S JIAYOU for ORIENTATION'08 SLB!
and especially the Orientation adhoc!! loves to all kaes?!
and take care of yourselves, i dun wish anyone to get ill even before the event starts...
JIAYOU! and other Sls will also be helping you guys!!
YAY had SRR meeting ytd...
and we had a glass door!! loll
and we dont need to paint the walls le, so lesser budget too!
so yup we are on track again!! Woohoo~~
charmaine: hahas i've changed le! =D
bernice: warmie! jiayou and hope u like the gift...
angelz: im back heheh! must wear the necklace orh! ^^
celine: hahas holidays sure miss you de!!
Sok: zhuzhu!! thankz 4 missing me! love ya!! mwaucks
angelz: AHYII!!!! loll
wendell: yeah you're relinked guy!!
Jean: heya!! miss ya loads!! =D
mummie: love you! cheers kaes?!!
angelz: year is coming to an end but memories ARE FOREVER!
celine: heheh! IM YOUR LOVE PIE!! ^^ you will be mine too :)
charmaine: hahas nopes! its cute!!
1 more days to Christmas Eve!
2 more days to Christmas Day!
5 more days to see the class list!
10 days to Orientation'08! jiayou!
Hello people! second day with the tour guide, went to the "shui shi jie"(which is a water world), and the "Hi-space"(which is the hot spring). Loll, damn scary lo. the females there all damn brave lahh. almost everybody ALL nude de lahh, wth! is like nothing wrong there in the changing room.then when my mum and I bathing they will just pull the shower curtains lo. LOL!! scary!! AND PLS DUN GO the WATER WORLD THERE it sucks!! Wild wild wet in singapore better!! ^^ really not worth the ticket price. the hot spring was quite cool my first time in hot spring mah. =D now watching CCTV 3 loll theres a concert quite nice, got alot of singers! loll most entertaining here[of all tv channels]. P.S i cant see my own blog!! wth! Labels: im in beijing... loll
Day five in Beijing! ^^
{Highest temp: +5 degrees
Lowest temp: -3 degrees
Weather: Sunny}
went to the Great Wall of China on thursday with a one-day tour group.
eyer, no cute guys lo :( my family is the only with children, others all couples.
my tour guide very good, as she is very experienced, she told us she has been tour guide when she was skinny and till now is became fat.
stupid lah, never finish the Great Wall lahh, coz the winter wind damn cold & strong.
so sad lah.but nvm, next tym i will try again when it is autumn![coz not so cold le]
i also went to a emperor's grave, which is situated in the mountains.[shld be the Ming emperor's tomb & Ding emperor's tomb.] Then, so cute lah, there are always three doors when you want to enter/ leave the hall. My tour guide told us that when you enter, you cant enter through the middle door, but the side doors only.As the middle door is for the emperor only. Then, when you wanna leave the hall, you also cant use the middle door, cause it is the Door of the Dead. So, once again you need to use the side doors. =D
went shopping again!! LOL! bought stuffs for some people... damn nice lahh when i return i be santa clause hahas! and i bought loads of ear studs & ear rings & 1or2 necklaces...yay finally got ear studs & loads of ear rings!! YAY!
wake up damn early to meet with the tour guide, another one, a cute guy! ^^
but too old for me lahh, hahas.
he quite newbie and sotong.=X but he is nice. we went to the "Star mountain" for ice-sking!
so damn shiok!!! I LOVE ICE SKING!! OMG! and my female coach so cute lahh, take picture with me still pose so kawaii-ly hahas.
and I KNOW HOW TO SKI LE!! omg...
and im addicted le!! loll but singapore no mountain leh?!
after, went to eat dinner at the wulu wulu place.
with the group. so cool we ate with 1couple + 2 girls[friends]
the couple so cute lo, very "en ai"[loving] then the jiejie keep smiling at me! loll!
she very pretty too! =D
then the two girls like to call each other "baobei" [dear] hahas!
when we reached the motel, my tour guide ran down the bus then he knocked into the front glass door of the motel.everybody was like
"OMG! he knocked into the door!"
then after when he's back he was bleeding at the corner of the right eye.OMG!
then he asked the driver's assistant to help him help us check into the motel.
so the bus driver quickly drove him to the nearby hospital for treatment.
Luckily, nothing serious happened to him lo! everyone was like so worry...
BeiJing Day II 1. I have learnt that bicycles here is a VERY VERY important of transport.and it is not called "jiao`1 ta`4 che`2" but it is called "zi`4 xing`2 che`2" here! 2. Second thing i have learnt here.must look carefully when crossing roads in BeiJing or you will regret. Seriously lah, when it is green man in Singapore the cars will let the people cross right? But in BeiJing?,hahas, NONO~the vehicles and bicycles are way too power than human beings. the drivers dun even care can...and these two days while crossing roads, I must look damn carefully lah,even when there's a green man. Some drivers[ actually most drivers lah] always speed past red light. IT IS SO DAMN DANGEROUS LO! *Scary experience* 3. Yesterday's weather report: highest temp: +5 degrees , lowest temp: -2 degrees sky: damn bright with a sun smiling at me! 4. And the nights here starts at about 5pm. So when it is 5pm the sky will be darken, and at about 6pm the sky will look like our night sky at about 9pm in Singapore. So cool hor! =D TODAY! ^changed from two bedrooms to one deluxe room[which consists of three beds]^ Today's weather report: highest temp: +5 degrees , lowest temp: -4 degrees wake up early in the morning at about 8am.then walked to the nearest Macdonald! hahas... but Singapore's Mac nicer lah! the whole sets that my family ordered costs about 76.80 ren ming bi [$15.50, i think] very cheap here! but the most delicious thing is the Hash Browns! lolls. after, went back to hotel to rest and watched a very lame entertaining show on CCTV3. damn funny also, my brother and I keep laughing throughout the show can?! so we prepared to set off for a place called SILK STREET. ALOT of shops lah. today i shopped throough B3, B2, B1 and first floor only in about 4 hours i think. and you cant imagine how bad the salespeople are when you are bargaining with them. First incident, we went to the bag shop [which i bought alot of bags-small, median, big sizes]. This aunty was okay lah, her attitude was better than the others. So my mum and I keep bargaining(i think today is my first LESSON of bargaining lo) very fun though hahas.then the aunty let us have one bag @ 40 ren ming bi, when it was like 280 ren ming bi at first. Second one, at a shoe shop, selling PUMA, ADDIDAS, DIESEL, CONVERSE, and etc brands. the salesgirl there hor, keep holding on to me lah, pls lo, she keep holding onto my shoulders then pinch my cheeks then kiss my cheeks somemore then she damn strong i cant walk away lahh. I was helpless! LOL! then she keep saying "ni hen ke ai!(you very cute!) ni hen mei (you very pretty) haahs. then i was like thinking, miss can you make up your mind? am i cute or pretty?!lolls [im neither!=D]but i bought like 4 shoes (my whole family bought shoes) for like 360 ren ming bi. altogether leh! very cheap mum very pro! Third one we went to check out a stall selling sweaaters...then this uncle very piss off cause very dun wanna buy, then he from 350 ren ming bi then he cut to 200, but my mum really dun want mah, so we walked away. but after he chased us through the stores...and kept cutting cost. But still in the end, we didnt buy from him! lol~ i gtg eat dinner le.and OMG my hotel's restaurant is closed for renovation so we need to go out very meal lah! irritating! YAY! tmr going great wall of china...wish me luck! and i wanna see snow soon! pretty pls!! ~will be back in like 6 more day?!~ love ya! buai buai! Labels: im in beijing... loll
woohoo~love blogging man! LOLS~
i got a few points to add from yesterday's post.^^
sky: no much sun, but not going to rain.
BEIJING!! -this is my 100th post i just realised! =D Labels: im in beijing... loll
lolls today had a morning flight to beijing...boarded at about 7.45am?
our plane left the Singapore airport at 8.45am...watched some shows on the plane.
sat beside my beloved brother and he entertained me throughout
and the breakfast was superb, the lunch too!! yummy~
reached Beijing at about 2.40pm bahh, if im not wrong lah.
i really miss you guys lo!
and i think some of you have meeting at 1pm [opps im not there leh]
so when we reached the airport, passed through the customs,
then had our guide (Wang ahyi)-my great uncle's friend in beijing de helper,
lolls so long!
came and fetch us.
then the door opened and woah~
so cool, today's temperature: 2 degrees in the morning.
now it is like erm -5 degrees outside damn cold lahh!
then i wear like 4 layers tym post pics for you guys.
went to some place called "dong lai shun" restaurant.
it is really famous for the 'suan yang rou'(wadever it is, it is goat meat lah)
then i finally get to see "smoke" (fog to be exact) coming out of my mouth when i talk.
and i walked through the damn cold night market =D
got alot of wierd wierd stuffs that can be eaten like goat's legs? king scorpion?baby scorpion?
got alot lah, next time post pics also! yup.
and my hotel is called the DAWAN hotel, it is OKAY only, but stayable and cheap mah.
okay tmr will blog more coz now late le, and my brother wanna use too!
miss you people loads and thanks for tagging and the msg i received!
Bernicee! help me find out how i take out my SIM card from my phone kaes?thnkz! and pls see this or my email...(u will de lah) ^^
save my blog from rotting kaes?!thankz!
OMG! im going to BeiJing in 2days?! Labels: I LOVE SLB gurl =D
got a midnight flight on the 10th december!
i am so excited lahh! First time in my lifetime that i can FINALLY see snow?!
and climb the GREAT WALL OF CHINA! yea!
promise to take loads of pictures![dun worry, i will...]
haahs, will miss all of you all de! <3
E.R jiayou for the festive cards kaes??
and S.R.R i know all of you can do up the room till damn nice de! Jiayouu too! <3
replies to taggies:
[peiying] hello! hahas warmie~*hugs*
[jason] thnkz for spamming hahas...cya then! =D
[mummie] i miss you soo much lahh!! take care orh! return hugs! ^^
[jocelyn] hi! hahas cya too...
[the pro] yupz LOVE 205 forever! miss ya!
[ah yi] nvm lahh even though theres spam but i will still see your tag de! dun worry~
its like i have 5-6 meetings today. Labels: I LOVE SLB gurl =D
hahas, was busy but still quite happy to see all the comms
having meeting together in one day, coz of E.R.=]
sorry to my darlings[i know u will read my post de]...
sorry for being so busy, then had no time to help you reset your password.
i also havent reset mine yet.its really no use man, but yupp im really sorry! =(
had meeting with H.C at first, then with S.W.A.T, then rest, then D.B, then lunch and B.I.O
its quite tired and my damn eyes keep irritates me lah.
but i love E.R anw, hahas random?! LOVE~
now waiting for colin to type the gist of information for me to type the minutes.
im damn good in minutes =S's not suppose to sound this way.
i meant that it is easy to do minutes when you have all the information.
regretted not jotting down everything twice! haha~crazy! nvm... ...
cheer up mummie! dun worry about me i will take care of myself de!!
ah gurl grow up le ye! happY~ hahas...
and to my dear dear ah yi! love ya~ enjoy your work...
will try to come find you when free de kaes.?
p.s thnkz for tagging ppl!
p.p.s will reply to taggies now hahas... ...
mummie-dun worry im okayy,just abbit emotional nia,nvm de.take care orhh!!~<3
ahyi-hahas okayy i will stay strong de! you too, miss ya loads~~
siting-heyya! have fun! i will be going beijing from 11-19 yup will also try to buy pressie for you all de =D hahas my seniors all so good to me mahh!
desmond-hahas...yupp but im light sleeper mahh,cant sleep on basha somemore then like never really sleep lo =D tagg more often kaes?! hahas miss ya!~superseniorr!
bernice-WARMIE~~ hahas...coz we not edoits mahh,so we know how spell correctly mahh...^^thnkz for being there for me yay!
celinee-hellos! yuppyup missing you right now too! =P youre right! im feeling so great/proud to be part of slb! hi-5 gurl!
ahyi-sorry i didnt mean to lose it mahh! i got alot of things to carry then i think accidentally drop bahh,i damn sad lahh.coz is u give me one mahh!! T.T
ah now so late le, i wanna sleep but sore eyes,cant sleep! Labels: I LOVE SLB gurl =D
irritating,trying to make it okay! FED UP~
let me continue the SL intensive post!
Sing-a-long 2:
i cried like shit lahh...
first round of closing eyes, then JJ asked us to listen
to the words of the songs...(i going to cry le)
but still forcing to hold back the tears!
then when i opened my eyes i saw many many faces... ...
seniors' seniors, seniors, sec3s,sec2s,sec1s...
i know im gonna cry le! I MISS ALL OF THEm!
i dun want alot of things!
1] I dun want this Intensive to end!
2] I dun want the seniors' seniors to go.(i will miss them de!)
3] I dun want the seniors to graduate! mummie~ah yi~sok~steph~zuyao~khee ern~etc...too many to list!
4] I dun want sec3s to be sec4s next year...then they will have to step down and be more busy!
5] I dun want sec2s to be sec3s, cause it will soon be fast for us to be sec4s and then we need to separate! NO~
6] I dun want sec1s to be ... ...[um wait WRONG! i rephrase!]
I dun want sec1s to be sec2s and sec3s then sec4s then i cannot see them le!!
^i like think very far but its like so fast one year will pass^
i want alot of things!
1] i want SLB!
2] i want seniors seniors not to go!
3] i want seniors not to graduate! NO~(my selfish thinking,dun care me)
4] i want sec3s-going sec4s next year DUN forgt me[us]! (they wun for sure!)
5] i want sec2s-going sec3s next year stay as bonded as we are now... ...
6] i want sec1s-going sec2s next year to be really think tt they are part of the big family!! (i bet they are right now right at this moment!)
ahhh im crying right now, saddened...
SL 'C' thing!-hahas cute name orhh...guess what's tt?
"WE, from SLB.
WE, are SLB.
WE, the SLB.
1,2,3, GO!
Oo ahh, we feel...
Oo ahh, real good...
Oo ahh, we feel...
Oo ahh, real good...
*Rugby drill*
(be cool)
Yeah~~ woohoo~~"
it is OUR CHEER!!
hahas...i tell you damn nicee lah! =D
SLB rocks! OMG~
it rocks to be a SL too!
it rocks to be an E.Rian too!
it rocks to be a part of the bond we all have!!
it rocks when our memories will be kept forever in our heartz!!
it rocks when we do pumping together, and shout oneSLB, twoSLB!!
it rocks when we do the Oo ahh, we feel... ...Oo ahh, real good... ... thingy round & round the parade square...
it rocks when all of us are down with sore throats after cheering.
(and had to go to the same doctor for discount) ^inside joke^
it rocks when we sit together, sing together, do wierd wierd funny funny actions together...
it rocks when we cheoreograph dance together [FUNNIE-RIZ]
it rocks when we do all the 6 dances together!
it rocks when we all go on the night trekking, walked from HOUGANG to SENGKANG to *SELETAR east dunno what way* to Animal Resort then back to school... ...inthe middle of the night!!
it rocks when we played electric fence!
it rocks when all of US replied that we want to try electric fence once more,cause of a failure... ...
it rocks when we get blow-wind-blowed to other teams... ...
it rocks when we get warm fuzzies/write warm fuzzies... ...
it rocks when we eat breakfast/lunch/dinner together in the canteen!!
it rocks when we cry/laugh/smile/joke together... ...
it rocks when we are all blind/mute/lame during the Obstacle course!!
it rocks when we hugged one another... ...
it rocks when we felt tired/sleepy/lethargic after every activities... ...
it rocks when we dont bathe everyday! ^hahas so yucky lahh^
it rocks when we have our Bom chicka Bom sessions... ...
it rocks when we do the 'A' thing & 'C' thing together... ...
it rocks when we do reflections together... ...
it rocks when we watched "Remember the titans" & "Armageddon" in choir room...
it rocks when we clean the toilets,canteen & bunks...
it rocks when we were painting the SLB cloth... ...
it rocks that the seniors actually helped us piece-d every piece and sew each and every piece to form the SLB banner!! ^im crying le^
it rocks that ... ... ... rocks that .... .... .... rocks that ..... ..... ..... .....
HELLO~ Labels: I LOVE SLB gurl =D
i damn high today, but dont mind me!
just came back from my 205 CLASS GATHERING~
not many came, but at least there are 19 people?!
so happy le! =D i love all of them!
had Mac for lunch,then went cycling around the east coast park
some of us went the gaming shop-guys played DOTA & CS
then me & Yen siu go play arcade for awhile =P
not very fun lahh,the salesperson bo song with us.
then the machine cope our tokens!!
played at the seaside, washing our feets in the waves...
SO SHIOK! hahas~told you im high now!
GOOD NEWS! E.R having a new ERa! =D nice name yeahh!
yup yup we have about [um...] ALOT projects for next year
and we are "allianc-ing" with B.I.O,S.W.A.T, D.B and H.C
for different projects...and happy working with one another!
im totally hundred percent gurantee + chop!! =P
bonded as we are, E.R will change the history!! Woots!
love to Kenny,Sherina,Samuel,Nicholas and Colin!
MORE love to SOk Loon & ZiEn!
jiayou jiayou for our new goal [ERa]
thankz for tagging people
replying taggys:
[DOM] hellos~yupyup love having to have B.I.O to work with us!<3>
[Audrey] hahas...thankz lovely~love ya! you're linked!<3
[Nicole] hiie! I ENJOYED it! hope u have to! im sure you have! =D thnkz for your warm fuzzy,yeah!
[Angelz ahyi] hahas...nicholas and mine and colin's idea bah! ^^ nicee right! hope it will get approved! YOU'RE MISSED!!
[MUMMIE] i will alwaes remember you de! mummie~ how can a daughter forget her mama?? hahas...hope you cheered up after listening to my voice!! =P
[Celine] ahh cute gurl too!! I MISS YOU LOADS! thnkz for encouraging me yeah!!
P.S thankz everyone!! Whether it is KUAN HUAN ppl OR FUNNIE-RIZ ppl OR AUNTITLED ppl OR E.R ppl OR SLB ppl OR 205 ppl OR seniors OR family, THANKZ FOR EVERYTHING you have done for me!! LOVE ALL OF YA!!
P.P.S hahas...and i will promise i will take EXTRA good care of myself! Dun worry kaes?! =D
hello~im back from SL intensive camp! Labels: I LOVE SLB gurl =D
first, i want to thanks the camp adhoc.
then, i want to thanks the facils! love them all!
end i wanna special thanks HWEE YIN mummie, ANGELINE ahyi and SOK LOON DARLING!!
at the beginning, i felt very sick...but then my group make me hyper!!
i found my first group FUNNIE-Riz! hahahaha~~
Elgin`YonMin`SiewBeng`Isaiah`LumYi`Celine`and our facil [KHEE ERN]
love them all~hope nvr miss any of them in this list.
on second day, i came down with slight fever,with no medicine.
They had PT,and i was sitting there[like dying] watching them do PT.
I WANNA do with them!! * sad *
then some of us were changed to another group.
and i am in AUNTITLED!!
had fun with them through 3 missing them all already!
special thankz to them for letting me have the strength to carry on...
i named all the groups out...all the names damn funny one~~
D-23561034 [D24 durian]
woohoo~love all the groups!!!
actually everyday only have about 2-3 hours sleep at most.
im on the verge of dying-seriously!
hahas...but with all the activities & caring form seniors and warm fuzzies,
i cant bare to break camp, so chionged all the way through camp!
first time sleeping in the BASHAon the second night.
and finally got to know the neighbourhood well through the NIGHT trekking... alot of wild dogs yea.
love the Sing along sessions
cried during sing slong 2...because of the song if we hold on together.
felt bonded with SLB le
update l8r yeah busy busy
Bdae: 22 March
attached / single
School: Xinmin Secondary
CCA: ELDDS-drama
sweet sixteen!
[[*My Adores*]]
<3 SLB <3 & OREO <3
<3 Class 404 <3
<3 ELDDS-drama <3
<3 deardear E.R <3
<3 Falcon Committee <3
<3 manymany friends <3
<3 Mabel besties! <3
<3 Yen Siu besties! <3
<3 Charmaine besties! <3
<3 Abraham besties! <3
<3 YanFang Mei princess <3
[[*My Craves*]]
#1 YOU!
#2 become skinny-er
#3 Good results for O's!
#4 buy nice nice dresses for impt events
[[*Music's Playing*]]
Song: Come Back To Me
[[*Princess's Past Dreams*]]
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